Exploring Workflow Foundation Intermezzo 1: Apply what we learned so far – Early post of the Image Processing Activity Library

Just a quick posting of an application of Windows Workflow Foundation in the area of image processing.

When I started the Exploring Workflow Foundation series of posts this is the reason I started them: I wanted to make a library in the area of image processing based on workflow activities. Well, to be honest, it’s more the other way around: I wanted to learn Workflow Foundation and ended up with image processing as a candidate subject. Anyway, this library is not complete, let alone production ready code. It’s what I have so far but it still needs a lof of tweaking. For example, I did not make use of any validation code when compiling th eworkflow, which is something I will definitely add in the future. There is also no real exception handling code. In other words: this version is just a quick post of what I have so far but still needs a lot of work.

So keep watching for updates.

Just go to the ImageProcessing WF page for a download of the available code.

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